
These most often publicise Oxford presentations but may also be used to draw attention to other events, specific job opportunities or competitions. For many employers a mailing is a useful means of introducing themselves to the students and for raising student awareness of their company and the opportunities they provide. You will be able to target your mailing at those students who are most interest in hearing from employers in your industry sector.

The Careers Service undertakes about 120 mailings per year on average. Our aim is to facilitate contact between employers and students and to provide the best possible assistance in furthering your Oxford University marketing plan.

While we welcome recruitment agencies acting on behalf of named clients, we cannot advertise the services of the recruitment agencies themselves. We are also unable to distribute surveys.


The e-mailshot service is carried out through our system, CareerConnect. One of the many functions that make up this system is the ability for students to register to receive employer mailings. Please note that the student registration is voluntary and marketing preferences are of course updatable, therefore the numbers will fluctuate marginally throughout the year.

Reach Oxford students through a dedicated e-mailshot

Fill in the Oxford University Careers Service e-mailshot request form


To ensure that your message reaches the right students you are able to target all students interested in receiving information about your industry sector or any combination of students by graduation year within that group.

Year Groups


  1. Graduating 2025 – Final year students of 3 or 4 year undergraduate courses
  2. Graduating 2026 – Penultimate year students of 3 year courses. Third year students of 4 year courses
  3. Graduating 2027 – First year students of 3 year courses. Second year students of 4 year courses
  4. Graduating 2028 – First year students of 4 year courses.

Postgraduate Taught (PGT)

These are a combination of one year taught masters students and two-year taught and research master’s students (called MPhil at Oxford)

Postgraduate Research (PGR)

These are primarily PhD students (called DPhil at Oxford) but also our MSc by Research students (these are students on a programme of supervised independent research resulting in a masters qualification).

Please note:

During the summer months we have limited ability to reach PGR and PGT students who have just graduated in the same year. If you are looking to target this group specifically please be aware that we are not able to guarantee the numbers your mailing will reach. If you have any questions about this please email mailings@careers.ox.ac.uk


See our price list for employer e-mailshots. Please note that the actual student numbers may be different from those shown in the price list grid if you select multiple sectors of interest, as selections could end up containing duplicates. The Student and Employer Engagement Team will email you with the final number of students your e-shot will reach.

Reduced rates for Employer Engagement Network members

Partner members of our Employer Engagement Network can send targeted mailshots for free once per term. Associate members receive a 20% discount on one mailshot each term.


To ensure your message stands out to students we limit the number of e-mailshots sent per industry sector to a maximum of three per day. This is generally only relevant for our busiest weeks: the first four weeks of Michaelmas (Autumn) term.

Whilst we appreciate it is not always possible, please provide us with a window, rather than a fixed date for your mailing so we are able to maximise its impact.

We require three working days’ notice to send out an e-mailshot. Requests should be submitted by 12 noon, three working days in advance.  However, we will always try to accommodate short notice mailings within the above constraints if at all possible.

We only accept requests for mailings via the online form.

Once your request has been submitted through the online form we are unable to accept corrections or edits so please ensure you are happy with the content before submitting. You will receive a confirmation email once your email has been sent detailing the time of sending. You will receive a separate communication from our finance team after the email has been sent containing your invoice for payment.

The Careers Service retains the right to refuse sending emails that we deem inappropriate, for example messages contacting discriminatory or inflammatory content.

If you need additional help or have any other questions please email mailings@careers.ox.ac.uk.

The Oxford Employer Engagement Network

For those employers who wish to gain advantageous recruiting insights, make their recruiting efforts more efficient and are looking to attract students with enhanced promotion.

Join the Employer Engagement Network