Career Weaver
This app contains exercises to help you reflect on the different aspects of your job choice and career development so far, to better equip you to understand your motivations and make informed career decisions in the future.
Generating Career Ideas
For help in understanding your motivations/interests and identifying potential careers.
Sector Career Briefings
A great starting point for an insight into various industries: potential jobs, the skills and experience needed, and additional resources for your research.
In some sectors, networking is essential. More generally, it is helpful to find out about opportunities within a sector or what a certain career path entails. This briefing gives tips on how to network effectively and the resources you can use to do so.
The Oxford Guide to Careers
Each year, the Careers Service publishes the Oxford Guide to Careers, containing information about various sectors, alumni profiles, advice on applications and much more. Read the Oxford Guide to Careers