Employer Events

We co-ordinate a programme of events and publish them on CareerConnect.

How to book

Our Student and Employer Engagement Team co-ordinates and advertises employer events to help you get the maximum number of attendees.

Oxford University term dates

Early booking for Michaelmas 2025 term slots

Members of our Employer Engagement Network can begin to book their slots for Autumn events from Monday 10th March at 10am.  Booking opens for non members on Monday 5th May at 10am.

The Student and Employer Engagement Team operates a booking system for organisations wishing to hold an event. Please note that both Oxford-specific and open to all events can be advertised if there is availability and these events can be virtual or in person.

To request a date for your presentation/event please email presentations@careers.ox.ac.uk with the following information:

  • The date and time of your events
  • The title
  • A short description
  • How you would like potential attendees to register to attend (this can be via a link or email address)
  • Whether the event is in person or online
  • We will also need to know which sectors the event covers if different from the sector your company is based in (i.e. a finance firm running an event for IT based roles)

Please do not assume your booking request has been successful until you have received a confirmation email from us.

Hilary and Trinity term slots

The Student and Employer Engagement Team operates a booking system for organisations wishing to hold an event. Please note that both Oxford-specific and open to all events can be advertised if there is availability and these events can be virtual or in person.

To request a date for your presentation/event please email presentations@careers.ox.ac.uk with the following information:

  • The date and time of your events
  • The title
  • A short description
  • How you would like potential attendees to register to attend
  • Whether the event is in person or online
  • We will also need to know which sectors the event covers if different from the sector your company is based in (i.e. a finance firm running an event for IT based roles)

Please do not assume your booking request has been successful until you have received a confirmation email from us.

Event Clashes

We will advertise your event on our online events calendar, free of charge, providing it does not clash with an Employer Engagement Network event.

Employer Engagement Network members now have exclusive access to our calendar 8 weeks early and we will not book an event in the same industry sector at the same time. Employer Engagement Network events also have guaranteed inclusion in the weekly student newsletter. Please note your event may clash with another event in your industry sector on our calendar.

If you have any further questions about your event, please contact us via presentations@careers.ox.ac.uk

After you have booked a date

Providing event details

Once your booking has been confirmed, we will ask you to provide us with the title, description of event (talk abstract for example, or summary of event) and any sign up details, including links to online talks.

It is assumed that events are open to all students at the University. If you wish to target specific groups of students, please inform students of this by including details of those you wish to target in the description for your event on your presentation form.

For maximum publicity it’s best to complete and return this form as soon as possible.

Finding a venue for in-person events

Once the date is confirmed, you are responsible for arranging your own venue, catering etc. The Student and Employer Engagement Team can provide a list of some possible venues, and our own are listed below under ‘Room Hire’.

Please note:  As Oxford is not a campus university, colleges, departments and venues are spread out across the city. Please explore the interactive map of the University and Oxford City Centre.

Said Business School

Said Business School arrange their own programme of events for MBAs and/or MFEs, therefore, please contact them directly (careers@sbs.ox.ac.uk) regarding events targeted at these students.

Expand All

Providing you book into our presentation schedule, we will advertise your event on our events calendar in CareerConnect. This lists all events in the term, including basic event information (venue, time, etc.) as well as a short description of the event and any booking or registration details. The information will be accessible to all students and alumni.

Each week during term, basic details about upcoming events in Oxford will be advertised in our weekly newsletter. Employer Engagement Network members' events are guaranteed space in the student newsletter. Events run by organisations that are not part of the Employer Engagement Network may be included but are not guaranteed a space. Oxford students will then be able to click through to CareerConnect for further details.

Additional advertising

You may wish to also advertise by promoting your event through student societies, departments, colleges or by using the Careers Service’s e-shot services. It may be helpful to discuss your strategy with a careers adviser linked to your sector.

Event Attendance

We co-ordinate bookings and advertise your events as explained above, to help get as many students as possible to attend.

Please be aware though that we cannot guarantee attendance numbers for events. Student attendance numbers for events are varied. Additionally, in some sectors attendance numbers may drop significantly in the latter part of term.


The Careers Service is not able to organise sign-up for an event on your behalf. You will need to provide a web address or email address or telephone number if you wish students to sign up, which should be given on the presentation form.

Alternatives to presentations

If this is the first time you are planning to present to University of Oxford students, you may wish to consider attending one of our fairs as an alternative option (please see our information on fairs for further information). You are also welcome to contact us at presentations@careers.ox.ac.uk if you would like to discuss your plans and ideas.

There are normally 300+ employer events taking place for Oxford student to attend during Michaelmas Term (plus events organised through student societies and departments etc which are arranged independently of the Careers Service). If your recruitment schedule allows it, you may find your event stands out more in Hilary Term, and gets better attendance numbers.

Information about room hire at the Careers Service is detailed below. The Student and Employer Engagement Team can also provide a list of some alternative venues around Oxford.

Room hire for external organisations

Members of our Employer Engagement Network can book rooms for discounted rates.

Find out more about the rooms you can hire


For queries about room hire at the Careers Service, please contact us on:

Email: bookings@careers.ox.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)1865 274635

Should you have any queries regarding presentations / events please contact the Student and Employer Engagement Team on 01865 274663 or email presentations@careers.ox.ac.uk.

For room hire at the Careers Service specifically, please contact us on 01865 274635 or email bookings@careers.ox.ac.uk.

Explore the interactive map of the University and Oxford City Centre to see the venues available for in-person events


The Oxford Employer Engagement Network

For those employers who wish to gain advantageous recruiting insights, make their recruiting efforts more efficient and are looking to attract students with enhanced promotion.

Join the Employer Engagement Network