What sort of projects are you looking for?
Our student teams can provide strategic thinking and research skills to help you with a challenge that you may be facing.
You may be looking to take your organisation in a new direction, launch a product or programme, test out a business idea, explore a potential market, refresh your branding, examine the effectiveness of your communications,explore opportunities for innovation, or assess the impact of your mission.
- Our Oxford Strategy Challenge programme tackles short 5-day projects across the charitable and commercial sector.
- Our Making a Difference programme offers teams the chance to work on real business issues faced by a charity or a not-for profit organisation across 4 weeks.
- The Future Leaders Innovation Programme provides students with the opportunity to work on an innovation-themed project over 6 weeks.
What makes a good project
A good project will have some element of research and a requirement for our team to make recommendations on the right strategy for you to take forward. It will have a defined scope and can realistically be delivered in the time available. But most of all, it must be important to our client: we like our teams to make a real impact!
Examples of previous client Oxford Strategy Challenge projects
Revenue Generation
A faith-based charity enlisted the help of a student consultant team to explore ways of utilising a prime city centre location for income generation in way that is aligned with the organisation’s values. The team presented the client with a number of different revenue generating options along with suggestions for increasing marketing and awareness of the space.
A charity asked a student team to identify investment opportunities to secure more dependable sources of funding. The team analysed current and future fundraising patterns and presented a strategy that provided the client with possible fundraising avenues and effective strategies to reach these groups.
Future Business Strategy
A business challenged a student team to explore ways of future-proofing their business and expanding their customer base. The student team analysed the business’ current strategy and created a series of recommendations for future development.
Market Entry Strategy
A business based outside the UK wanted a student team to create an entry strategy for the UK market. The team conducted a landscape review and competitor analysis and created a series of recommendations for ways the business could enter this market.
Operations Review
A UK/international charity asked a student team to help the organisation identify future objectives and strengthen engagement with stakeholders. The team examined the organisation’s current services and provided recommendations for increasing stakeholder engagement.
How long should the projects last?
On our Oxford Strategy Challenge programme, students have 5 days to tackle your project. This programme is ideal for projects that can be undertaken in a short ‘sprint’. Such projects might provide the framework for strategic thinking, tackle a short research project or initiate your thinking on a particular question.
On our Making a Difference programme, students will have 4 weeks to undertake your project. Our Future Leaders Innovation projects last for 6 weeks. Both of these programmes are suited to projects that offer scope for in-depth research and strategic thinking. Such projects might tackle a substantive business challenge, conduct market research, investigate opportunities for innovation or provide detailed recommendations for strategic direction.
Students will be taking part in these programmes alongside their academic work and will not be spending their time exclusively on your project. However, clients are always surprised at how much the teams are able to achieve whether over the course of just 5 days or across a 6-week period.
I have a project idea. What happens next?
Contact us via courses@careers.ox.ac.uk and we would be happy to set up a call to discuss your project idea and our different programmes.
The first step is for you to send us a brief project proposal.
We will ask you to confirm the programme you are interested in and the dates you are available. As the number of applications to our programme fluctuates throughout the academic year we are not able to guarantee that your project will be included in the next available programme.
Once we have received your project proposal we will pass this onto the programme leader who will be able to confirm if we are able to include your project in our programmes and which programmes have availability. We'll then firm up the remaining details with you to create a final project brief.
What are you looking for in a project proposal?
We ask you to send through:
- A brief introduction to your organisation
- Some context around the project idea (how this fits into your organisation; how will the teams contribute)
- Outline the challenge you would like the students to tackle. What strategic question(s) would you like the teams help you answer?
- What is your desired outcome?
The students do not sign an NDA as part of the programme so we recommend only sharing information that is not commercially sensitive in the course of the project.
What does a good client look like?
A good client is interested in nurturing talent for the future and providing our participants with a real-world experience. They are open to an external perspective on their challenge, are committed to the project and have time available to work with our team and provide direction when necessary.
What is the expected time commitment?
We ask clients to students at the start of the programme for an initial client meeting (1 hour/ 1.5 hours) and to meet with students for a final presentation when they will present their findings to you (1 hour/ 1.5 hours).
Students are also likely to want to contact you in between these meetings and to check in regularly during our longer programmes. We encourage teams to discuss this with their client at the initial meeting. Expect lots of enthusiasm and engagement!
Does the location of my organisation matter?
No. For clients who are not based in Oxford, teams can collaborate remotely. We have worked on projects across the UK and internationally. The furthest afield is in South Australia...
I don’t have a project idea at the moment. What other options are there for connecting with Oxford students?
Some other opportunities to engage with our students include:
Contact recruiters@careers.ox.ac.uk to discuss other options, including attending a fair, hosting an employer presentation or joining the Oxford Employer Engagement Network.